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RoomMate, Housemates and FlatMate Articles

Basic Tips To Get Along With Your Roommates, Flatmates and Housemates

The nightmare of living with annoying roommates and flatmates is quite common and there can be a thin line between being a friendly roommate,...

First Impressions Matter for Roommates, Flatmates and Housemates

Discovering something you can speak about with someone brand-new can be pretty daunting ... however the good thing is, it does not need to be....

The Minimum Rules For Roommates Flatmates Housemates And Sharemates Living Together

If you’ve ever shared a place as a roommate then you know it will have some challenges... The dirty dishes left for days in the sink or...

How to Break the Ice & Get to Know Your New Roommates Flatmates Housemates and Sharemates

Living with roommates will be an important part of your life where at a college, university or if you have jobs and work.A healthy and good...

Tips, Ideas and How to Avoid Horror Stories and Bad Relationships With Your Roommates, Flatmates and Housemates

You may have heard many horror stories with roommates playing the “bad guys” part. And some of them are probably true as we are...

How And Why To Use Pet Resumes For Sharing A Place With Roommates, Flatmates,Housemates, Sharemates

Writing your own resume can be tricky, but how and why should you also write a Pet Resume when renting out a place or applying to move with...

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